Starting by simply drawing for fun and out of enjoyment, she began to be serious about it when people began showing massive interest in her drawings. Being blessed by both talent and passion in her drawings, she has had help from her family and close friends. “Art has always been a part of me, at first l thought I was just playing but l realized God has been helping me realize my abilities”, said Sinqobile.
Her drawing inspiration comes from her environment and people around her. She has drawn portraits of families and many other individuals and has been recognized by a portion of the global market notable mentioning drawing for people in Canada, the United Kingdom, Nigeria, Sweden and Dubai.
Like every other young and ambitious talent present in Zimbabwe, she explains that “At times l used to feel like giving up on art because l didn't seem to be getting anywhere with my drawing/art career. l was investing so much time , energy and effort but it was producing absolutely nothing at the time. l was at a complete standstill”.
Having a target of posting 100 pics of my work on social media (particularly lG) before June 2020, She is now on 92 and the number still rising. To improve her growth in terms of drawing, she has been choosing challenging images to draw and trying out different techniques. She has been flying solo in her career but however the young talented lady highlighted that she would like to work with Enam Bosokah or CJ Hendry.
Sinqobile also does screen printing, keep chickens, plait people's hair and she volunteers with local organizations that focus on young girls.
Guest Opinion session with Sinqobile
Q: We are losing so much talent in this young generation to drugs abuse,un wanted pregnancies wah shuld be done to try and curb these problems and harness these talents for the betterment of our society and city ?
A: Well l think there should be talent Centers... Places where the youth can go there simply to sing or draw or dance.In these Centers there can be various organizations and individuals that can come in to teach on drug abuse and teen pregnancy etc.This could be easy for talent scouters also as they will be knowing where to go if they are looking for fresh talent
Q: Bulawayo has a poor support system for local artists, what is your take on that and how should that be corrected?
A: l agree Bulawayo has a very poor support system.When you get to the top you should look back and help another one to climb the ladder that's how life works but we are so caught with those that have made it and we forget that each day someone somewhere discovers their gift.
Q: You are an artist , we need to see your works in the streets , art galleries and all those places but all these places are not functioning to accommodate new talent and you limited in showcasing your talent , what do you think could be the solution to bring the Art Galleries in Zimbabwe and other art institutions to its best competitive edge so that all your works may compete with other international artists?
A: lt is difficult breaking into the gallery as a new artist ... especially with the type of art that l do as l think it's because of a culture that has been set up which says art can only be valued if it's in paint or abstract. That mentality has to be corrected. How can we change it? Well I think by partnering and working with the upcoming artists in our own art fairs and exhibitions. It is sad for an upcoming artist to gain recognition from other countries first but maybe that needs to happen so that our galleries and other art institutions can take a second look at the raw talent that is right under their nose!
Follow her on :
I.G - @shamie_the_artist
FACEBOOK - Sinqobile Dube
And contactable on: +263775503220
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