Saturday, May 9, 2020


Philip Moyo is one of the artist who has made a ground breaking career being a man of many talents, he is an actor, an MC, weeding planner, a trainer for actors at schools, a social worker and a radio presenter or deejay for a Bulawayo based radio station Khulumani fm.  His career kick started in 2007 when he shot a movie called Msomi Gang which was showcased at Ibumba festival he worked alongside award winner Percy Soko and Herbert Phiri and he featured in a television production that was aired on zbc called Isipho Sami produced by Thembelihle Moyo. 

In 2008 he won the best poetry to dreams to fame competitions during that time he was at Amakhosi and that same time he dropped the mic in being a poet and further pursued his acting career and in 2010 he did a television series called Nyaminyami which was written by Conte Mhlanga and by that time he was an MC for dreams to fame. Philip has been an MC for a while he has done almost all the festivals in the nation besides Hifa and Osco festivals. He MCeed Jikinya national finals, Star bright national finals, Umahlekisa 3rd anniversary. He was the red carpet host for Bulawayo Arts Award first edition.  For the past 8 years he hosted ibumba festival and has hosted more than 6 editions of intwasa arts festival.

Philip known as Cde Phil is one guy who is paid to talk in his line of business. He says to be where he is it hasn’t been easy for him but he stood firom in his belief and dreams and his greatest support was and is still his family that has stuck with him since day one. He perceives art as a life style for him it’s his job because it brings food on the table and a roof over his head, he is driven by passion, love and terms of entrepreneurship he runs an events company where he is a full time MC. In 2018 he became part of Khulumani FM radio station as a deejay and sports commentator being known by the name Cde Phil the beast this has been a great step in his journey to success. His key is pray, work hard and humble yourself this is what keeps him going.

Opinion Session with Cde Phil
Q: A lot of young talent is being lost to drug abuse and other social ills, how can we as Bulawayo and a nation as a whole try to catch and groom these young talents?
A: he urged young people to abstain from the use of drugs and for them to stop being fooled by their fellow peers and we should create content for them at school level and mentor them to better artists that are driven by passion and not fame because fame comes and goes but discipline and hard work takes you places. Revival of youth centers can also come into good use in helping to revive the art industry and grooming of this young talent.
Q: How can we improve support system of Bulawayo artists?  
A: Phil stated people should learn to pay for shows and support local talent because we got so much young talent that are dynamites out there but they need us to step and support. He further on went to say there is great need for new blood and productions so that there is a lot in store for young people to do. Young people should come up with fresh new ideas, techniques in improving their work and their support. He said its high time artists come up with shows that will attract whole family thus attracting full house.

His word of encouragement to the young talent and other people out there is that “do not let people manipulate you, follow your dreams” his motto is that “the only limitation you have in your life is your mind” hence always have desire to fly high like an eagle. To those supporting us keep supporting us”.


Tumisho Mary Moetlo, is a 27 year old female author and poet from Limpopo province in South Africa. She’s been a poet since high school ( grade 10) but however she said procrastination has always been a thief but in 2019 she decided to buckle up and make love for poetry happen. Mainly writing from one heart to the other, she had a lot of people confiding in her and she realised its about time she heals hearts through her works. As she embarked on her journey, She said help and guidance from Samantha Nomaswazi Nunu of Singcoli creative writers foundation has played a huge role. Being both talented and passionate, she has accepted writing as a calling to heal and all the same passionate about making it a reality.
Speaking of her ground breaking achievements, She has recently compiled her first poetry anthology ( Matters of the heart), hosted have hosted a talent show at my hometown and she has written foreword for four amazing books (namely I am Lazarus and I am blind, a blind tells no lie, Dacre’s Doctrines, Tropical love and Tribute to a storm). Amongst all her recent achievements, she points out that her favourite and the one that brings put the best version of herself so far is her poetry anthology ( Matters of the heart).

Facing challenges of dropping out of university because there were not enough money to fund her Language Practice diploma, she has persevered though the hardships and has stood firm in making her dreams a reality. The tenacious acts of perseverance have been symbolised by her new project which is a novel dedicated to women who have devoted many years on end of marriage to men they thought would give them forever only for the marriage to end as a divorce. The novel is titled BROKEN MATRIMONIAL and the publication date yet to be made known accordingly.
Favourite project that she previously worked on was  Writing a foreword for I am Lazarus and I am blind, a blind man tells no lies. She alludes that “I literally connected with the book, it made me feel like I was walking in the authors shoes, like they say good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader”.
Having worked solo so far, miss Moetlo  said she would love a poetry collaboration with Samantha and she would like to work with Erick Mokgotho ( he is an author) from where she comes from in Limpopo.

Find her on Facebook: Molebogeng Moetlo

Young Women In Music -Meet Luchi Shiki

Luzibo Tabona Moyo a 23 year old lady of Bulawayo, she is known as Luchi Shiki born on the 23rd of March 1997. She is a singer, songwriter and dancer, choreographer and painter. She started dancing in 2004 and she realised that she wanted to be a musician at the age of 12 and later in 2010 she started painting. In 2013 her dream came true when her music career kicked off. Initially she wanted to be a prim ballerina but Beyoncé’s ego music video gave her a new perspective were the idea of singing and dancing to your own music looked so powerful and inspiring. Added to that she had a long history of watching her father perform as the lead vocalist for Black Umfolosi.

Many people have contributed to the rise of Luchi Shiki and they are still doing so, talking of her father Sutra Moyo, larynx, fish f ndaramu, msiz’kay, black umfolosi, murphy cubic, rockiest doub and her close family and friends. She’s passionate about her craftwork and talented too. She   uses her talent to express what she goes through and what other people may relate to. She has felt so connected to the songs that she heard on radio as they sparked happy and sad memories hence she hopes that her music may also give a spark to the person listening to it. Luchi shiki has shared the stage with many talented people of Bulawayo at intwasa festival, annual august rush and jdumza’s album launch. She was nominated twice at the skymaz 2018 for best metro urban and female of the year these marked as her biggest achievements. The journey to success is never a smooth road 2019,  was a hard rock year for luchi  because she had to put her music on hold to get her national certificate in applied art and design  as she valued the importance of education to her and she hopes and believes that in the near future her fine art will intertwine with her music.

Luchi is currently working on an EP called 4plae but latest offering now out is titled shuga shuga produced by msiz’kay. Due to the pandemic and lockdown put production into hold, but she only shared that the EP will be a 4 track love song playlist and the release date is yet to be set. She says she loves all her past projects though amongst her upcoming releases mortal kombat and forbidden fruit are top on the list both produced by jaytweny8. She has worked with various artists talk of benny jones, fish ndaramu, larynx, rockiedoub,vic chita, jdumza, cal-vin, tha dawg, msiz’kay and black umfolosi. In terms of production she works with msizkay, II duces and jaytweny8 and she pushlishes her own work. Her wish is to oneday work with nasty c, asaph and Billie eilish.

Describing how she gets inspired in her endeavors, the young and talented songstress, painter and choreographer, she sees each day as a step towards who you want to be and self-love as a gift you give not only yourself but the people around you.

I.G -@luchishiki263
FACEBOOK -  Luchi Shiki
TWITTER - @LuchiShiki #shugashuga

A look into local Afropop & Jazz! Who is Mahlaba?

Mahlaba is one of the names that is being shouted by the crowd of Bulawayo, many are dancing to the groove of his music of afro pop and jazz and still wondering who this person behind this great music is? Mahlaba is a stage name for Charles Banda who was born on the 20th of August in 1987, he ventured into performing arts as an actor, dancer and music composer in the year 2013. However before that he was a soccer player who made it to the point of playing for big soccer teams in the country such as Rail stars, Chicken Inn and Qualorton fc.

The shift of career path for him took place soon after the passing of his late father who was the founder of Sunduza Arts group, Simon Banda and he took over the leadership of the group after him. Along his musical journey he has worked alongside with the celebrated artists in the city, the likes of Albert Nyathi, Jeys Marabini, Willis Watafi, Otis Ngwabi, Sunduza, Desire Moyo and the UK based song writer Janet Wood on a tribute album titled shine like a rainbow. All these collaborations have played an important role in his career as they have been an eye opener for him in that music has no cultural boundary, rather it brings everyone closer as it mainly speaks volumes to the person’s soul.

Charles has achieved a lot since the beginning of his music career, he performed his late father’s song “Bulawayo” at the NAMA awards official opening ceremony held in Bulawayo large city hall in 2013 and during that same year he was selected to perform for the national team at the UNWTO official opening and closing in Victoria falls hotel, in 2014 he performed at the youth games in Bulawayo at Bouberfields Stadium. He composed his first single track in 2017 and the following year he did an album NDEBE ZAMI and the video of Ngikhethe Wena featuring Privilege Mujoli was released that same year. He was further on nominated at the Zimbabwe music awards for best traditional folk music.

Charles has met many stumbling blocks in his work but he has stood firm on overcame them as he had to move from his comfort zone of being a soccer player to being a leader of a group where he has to keep its outstanding performance and to take it further in production. He had to be mature in handling matters and being responsible of everything this resulted in personal growth in his music career and being a leader as well.

Opinion Session with Charles Banda
Q: A lot of young talent is being lost to drug abuse and other social ills , how can we as Bulawayo and a nation as a whole try to catch and groom these young talents?
A: his response was as artists they have to do shows at primary and secondary level and at the same time they identify and recruit these young talented children and groom them to be better by coming together in raisings funds to rehabilitee those addicted to ills such as drugs and also mentor the youth, promoting their talent ,polishing their skills not only in entertainment but in all spheres especially handiwork.
Q: What is the reason behind the poor support system / base for artist in Bulawayo and how can that be resolved?
A: he said that most people tend to turn to South African content and in the process local music suffers. More so Bulawayo just recently established its two first radio stations in under ten years or so which has opened an opportunity to promote the artists however it will take a while to stabilize the support system. Radio stations and television channels through them artists can advertise their work and it can improve our support system.
Q: How do you market your talent and what challenges do u face?
A: he says that he is still new into the industry hence he prefers to performs at schools and events as a way of getting his craftwork out there and known. Also he uses social media because almost everyone these days has access to it and it’s quick and effective. For Charles it’s very difficult to source people or organisations to sponsor him and other artists when releasing albums and so forth.
Above it all Charles is one man who is deeply rooted in African culture he loves pap and meat and he prefers black and white and he is a family man

I.G - Banda6818
FACEBOOK - Charles Banda 
youtube    Charles Banda 


Perfect Moyo is a 26year old young author and poet residing in the City of BULAWAYO and grew up in the high density suburb of Lobengula West. Having penned down two unpublished Ndebele Novels and one Published Poetry Anthology titled “Tribute to the Storm”, he started his journey of writing in December 2018 and the journey just begun symbolized by his first publication.

He said “It all started as something he did for fun but the people around I shared my works with encouraged me to write more and it was from there that several of them encouraged me to compile my poems and make an anthology”. In January 2020, the young writer  made a resolution that he will work even harder to  share his work and message more as he continues to build his audience. 

Being inspired by his previous relationship for his Anthology, “not only its ending but before day one the relationship started and not only to the last day we parted ways but till today for even now I still stare back and curve the stars or the dark from it!” he explained. Pushing and grinding, sharing his poems with people on social media, motivation grew in him and finally leading to his first publication published by of Pentolacut Publishers. Besides of writing novels and anthologies, Perfect Moyo is  also an Electrician and currently furthering his studies to be an Electrical Technician.

Being an author is a challenge especially here in Zimbabwe. Finding honest and reliable publishers is not easy. However for Mr. Moyo, he described his major obstacle he  faced so far was with finding Publishers and how they always make it seem hard for you to publish but since has found  a reliable and considerate publisher.

“Tribute to a storm is a letter from my heart of how in my previous relationship, I found, surfed in and lost love. It is a song I sung in black and white that tells the world that love is sweet when it is found, how crazy you can be driven by that one person, the way how we battle to keep love alive at the verge of storms, how hurt we become when we have failed to pull through, how bit by bit we heal in time and how we finally gather our pieces, realize our worth, be confident and love again.” Tribute to the Storm is the authors favorite so far, because it is the book that broke the ice for him, and that  proves to him that not even the sky is the limit when you dedicate yourself and it was written from the heart.

Moyo he looks up to and wants to continue working with Samantha Nomaswazi Nunu (who he alludes to be one of the growing names to greatness) her team Pentolacut Publications and on the Ndebele side of his novels working with Mihla Sitsha Hleza the author of Wangenza Mntanami a Ndebele Zimsec Setbook. Looking to the social side, he is partnering with a friend Isaac Mpofu in establishing a Charity Organization  called Living Hope “because in as much as we live we should remember everyone from all the corners of the society” he said.
All I can say is we are beautiful sculptures, shaped not by one tool but many. Passion alone without talent is useless and talent alone without passion is not much of use.

Moyo Perfect

Chosen Generation Art ,Sinqobile Shamiso Dube!

Sinqobile Shamiso Dube is 24 years old from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. She is a pen artist from the suburb of Mpopoma KoBulawayo. Known as for her beautiful works as Chosen Generation Art, she graduated from  Mzilikazi Art and Craft Center in 2015 and decided to actually make pen her main media in art in 2018.

Starting by simply drawing for fun and out of enjoyment, she began to be serious about it when people began showing massive interest in her drawings. Being blessed by both talent and passion in her drawings, she has had help from her family and close friends. “Art has always been a part of me, at first l thought I was just playing but l realized God has been helping me realize my abilities”, said Sinqobile.

Her drawing inspiration comes from her environment and people around her. She has drawn portraits of families and many other individuals and has been recognized by a portion of the global market notable mentioning drawing for people in Canada, the United Kingdom, Nigeria, Sweden and Dubai.

Like every other young and ambitious talent present in Zimbabwe, she explains that “At times l used to feel like giving up on art because l didn't seem to be getting anywhere with my drawing/art career. l was investing so much time , energy and effort but it was producing absolutely nothing at the time. l was at a complete standstill”.

Having a target of posting 100 pics of my work on social media (particularly lG) before June 2020, She is now on 92 and the number still rising. To improve her growth in terms of drawing, she has been choosing challenging images to draw and trying out different techniques. She has been flying solo in her career but however the young talented lady highlighted that she would like to work with Enam Bosokah or CJ Hendry.

Sinqobile also does screen printing, keep chickens, plait people's hair and she volunteers with local organizations that focus on young girls.

Guest Opinion session with Sinqobile
Q: We are losing so much talent in this young generation to drugs abuse,un wanted pregnancies  wah shuld be done to try and curb these problems and harness these talents for the betterment of our society and city ?
A: Well l think there should be talent Centers... Places where the youth can go there simply to sing or draw or dance.In these Centers there can be various organizations and individuals that can come in to teach on drug abuse and teen pregnancy etc.This could be easy for talent scouters also as they will be knowing where to go if they are looking for fresh talent
Q: Bulawayo has a poor support system for local artists, what is your take on that and how should that be corrected?
A: l agree Bulawayo has a very poor support system.When you get to the top you should look back and help another one to climb the ladder that's how life works but we are so caught with those that have made it and we forget that each day someone somewhere discovers their gift.
Q: You are an artist , we need to see your works in the streets , art galleries and all those places but all these places are not functioning to accommodate new talent and you limited in showcasing your talent , what do you think could be the solution to bring the Art Galleries in Zimbabwe and other art institutions to its best competitive edge so that all your works may compete with other international artists?
A: lt is difficult breaking into the gallery as a new artist ... especially with the type of art that l do as l think it's because of a culture that has been set up which says art can only be valued if it's in paint or abstract. That mentality has to be corrected. How can we change it? Well I think by partnering and working with the upcoming artists in our own art fairs and exhibitions. It is sad for an upcoming artist to gain recognition from other countries first but maybe that needs to happen so that our galleries and other art institutions can take a second look at the raw talent that is right under their nose!
Follow her on :
I.G - @shamie_the_artist
FACEBOOK - Sinqobile Dube
And contactable on: +263775503220

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Bambelela Arts Ensemble - the arts group profile

Bambelela Arts Ensemble - Profile

Bambelela Arts Ensemble is a None-profit making Community based Theatre Organization constituted under “Common Law Universitas” to operate in accordance with the accepted legal principles and practices and in conformity with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Zimbabwe in order to achieve lawful objectives.
Speaking to the director, Witness Tavarwisa, who gave us the profile of the organisation,  It was then made known to us that ...
The Ensemble is made up of youths representing a broad range of groups and interests have worked together in a broad alliance concerning their common interest in Community Development and other related matters, The Ensemble was formed in response to an increasing demand in Zimbabwe for overt, organized support and comprehensive development delivery services. 
The Ensemble has a long standing history of activism on development which back dates to its inception on the 20th of June 1992 in Matshobana suburb, Bulawayo. Due to the success and progress made in the past and fact that the issues around which Bambelela Arts was formed continue to prevail, the individuals who have been involved have decided to take up the challenges of ongoing development work. For the Ensemble to function what matters most is not the number of followers it have but the ideological unity, mutual trust, understanding and solidarity of purpose which implements the organization's activities.

Excellence in our Business that provides best services and plays its appropriate role in overall Development.

Facilitate Community Development

The principles of the Ensemble are:
1. To identify, nature , promote and support talent
2. To assist in alleviating poverty by influencing for the establishment and provision  of appropriate legal, effective and practical  policies that promote and maintain Community Development.
3. To nature and deepen public awareness and understanding around the issues of Development and related issues by inter-lia, providing accurate information to the media, general public and all organizations working towards social reform and transformation.
4. To encourage the government and other civic organizations to protect the marginalized communities and take an active stand.
5. To contribute to the national economy through theatre by creating employment opportunities and developing the Creative industry.
6. Encourage people’s participation in Socio-economic, political and cultural  transformation through Arts.
7. Provide a platform that promote young and adult literacy through edutainment (performances, discussions, seminars and workshops)

 The organization's activities vary from time to time due to the fact that they are at times based on the influence and needs of the community ( Community, Private, public Institutions and others service providers.) and they much characterized by Theatre performances, workshops, commissioned projects, Training on theatre and Story telling as a performance, Children's Projects aimed at identifying and nurturing their talents, boosting their self esteem, confidence and instill Ubuntu.

The Ensemble is highly trained with a professional approach in its administration and Management, Theatre in Civic Education, Leadership and Management, Public Relations, Effective Arts Management, Business Management, Project Proposal appraisal, Basic to advanced theatre skills and techniques, Story telling as a Performance, Strategic Marketing, Civic Education.

Group's Stability and consistency  Productions                To date the Ensemble has produced more than two dozens of high quality action packed theatre production and one film.

Theatre at workplace             
The Ensemble’s activities at workplace vary from one institution to another  and cuts across socio-economic issues that affects or promote and develop work spaces. We tailor make them to suit the clientele’s needs and satisfaction. We have worked with the following institutions too: Effective Management and Conflict Resolution with Gwanda Rural District Council 1995 – 1996, Wellness and HIV education at NRZ 1995 – 2000, ZIMRA 2015-2017, TelOne 2016- 2018 Festivals                Linkfest 95 -02, Hosted Masakhane Arts Festival 95, Harare international Festival of the Arts HIFA 2000 – 2007, Ibumba Arts Festival 2001 – 2015, Umzingwane AIDS Network 2000 - 2007, SADC Multi disciplinary Festival 2003 in South Africa, Abangane Arts Festival 2003 – 2007, Savanna Trust Community Arts Festivals, Patsime's BAFA 2008-2010., Great Zimbabwe Arts Festival 2008-2016,Intwasa Arts Festival koBulawayo 2005-16, Inxusa Arts Festival 2014, Hurungwe Arts Festival 2014 and Protest Arts International Festival 2014, City of Bulawayo 2000- 2018.

 First prize in the Provincial Level and Award winning at National level in the United Nations Development Programme's poverty Alleviation competitions, NAMA Nominee in the Best Theatre Production with By The Roadside in 2003., Best Actor category with Naison Dube in By The Roadside 2003, NAMA Award winners in Best Actor and Actress with Naison Dube and Nomalanga Sibanda. NAMA nominee in the Best actor category with Leonard Phiri in The Naked Truth 2004. Nominee in the Best Actress in 2008 with Nomalanga  Sibanda. NAMA 2009 Nomee in best Production with Silent Screams, Nominee in Best Actress 2009category with Nomalanga Sibanda and Best Actor2009 category with Josphat Ndlovu. Awarded by Amnesty International Zimbabwe for Championing HumanRights Through Theatre, Awarded by National Aids Council of Zimbabwe for Championing the fight against HIV/AIDS through theatre in 2015 and 2017.


Philip Moyo is one of the artist who has made a ground breaking career being a man of many talents, he is an actor, an MC, weeding plan...